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by Ali Lindley

Ali is a creative artist specialising in watercolour with the addition of gold mediums.   She explores a variety of subject matter moving effortlessly from still life to action paintings..

 ‘I first started painting about 15 years ago, when my third child started nursery.  Two precious hours every Friday when I could slosh paint around with very little idea of what I was doing, but having enormous fun in the process! With time I learnt that perhaps a little more thought and planning might be advantageous but I certainly learnt as much from my mistakes as my successes. Watercolour, although difficult and at times frustrating, is for me the most rewarding medium and one that allows me to create images by using the runs, drips and happy accidents! One of the greatest challenges of watercolour is understanding colour and that remains an ongoing journey which I am delighted to share with my students.
Undoubtedly teaching has brought an extra element to my work, forcing me to look at new things and in different ways, it is often a learning curve for both students and teacher alike!
After 15 years I feel that at last I have started to understand watercolour but suspect there is still a very long and exciting journey to be made’

She is an elected member of the Society of Woman Artists and the Society of Floral Painters with whom she exhibits on a regular basis.
Her work  can also be seen in various exhibitions and galleries in Hampshire.
She teaches, demonstrates and runs workshops both privately and for clubs and organisations.