The Art Circus Contemporary Artists
Abstract Wave 3

by Beatrice Hoffman

My sculptures are kept in many private collections in Britain, Canada, the US, Germany and Holland. They vary in heigth between 25 and 90 cm; they are mainly created in clay (sometimes carved n wood/stone) and cast in bronze (resin). 
The edition varies between 5 and 9 for bronze, and 9 to 50 for bronze resin.They are suitable for both indoors and outdoors.
A few examples can be seen in various galleries and gardens – see my current exhibitions catalogue. on my website.

A book has been published by Photobox, with an interview by the German magazine “Frau ueber Vierzig”, comments by myself and poems by Norfolk based Tom Corbett to accompany some of the head sculptures – please follow the link:
This year I am going to hold for the first time a week-long ceramic sculpture workshop in a holistic holiday in the Pelion mountains near the coast in North-Eastern Greece.
Slideshow on mt website

Time:16th – 23rd of August (this can be extended by an extra week with no sculpture, to make up a full forthnights’ holiday)
LocationKalikalos Centre 
Cost: 415 Euros – one week tuition, accomodation , food
Extra week without sculpture : 250 Euros
Accomodation: triple/quad room – supplement for twin or single room
Food :Perfect for those of you who want a Detox – it will be raw food arrangements, created by expert Paula Wilson together with her students
Travel :Flight to either Tessaloniki (+ bus ride), or closer, Volos, or Athens