The Art Circus See more on The Art Circus

by Emily Nash

My illustrations are made up of a mixture of drawn, collaged and montaged elements. I like creating images that have lots of pattern, texture and depth. Narrative is a big part of my work and I enjoy creating surreal, otherworldly characters and landscapes.
I am perticularly interested in book cover and editorial illustration, but more recently my work has been moving towards Children's narratives. As well as illustration, I am very passionate about bookbinding and embroidery.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, feedback or commissions at emilynashillustration@gmail.comI am a Third year Illustration student living and working in Bristol .Originally from Brighton, I completed a foundation year at City College Brighton and Hove in 2010. After I graduate I am hoping to move to London to persue a career as a freelance illustrator.

'Graveyard Shift'- A Collection of Second Year Illustration- 23rd-28th April 2012. ShOp, Christmas Steps, Bristol.