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Portheras Cove, Pendeen, Cornwall

by Margaret Micklewright

My work is a simple reaction to the effects of weather on a landscape.  I prefer to hold onto some detail that will merely suggest elements of that landscape and evoke the mood of the weather.  I was brought up on the Isle of Arran and was receptive to the ever changing light and beauty of the place.  I have lived in Somerset for over 11 years and am inspired by the Quantock Hills, the Levels and the coast.  Each painting takes an area of interest to me - the colour and texture of the hills, reflection of light on flood waters or the rythmn and power of waves on rocks.  I use acrylic ink in most of my work, which offers colour choice, permanence and fluidity which is important to create ambiguity in my work.  I use a wet-on-wet technique. with as much of the painting being created in the first stage, followed by a few more layers and detail usually applied with pen or fineliner brushes.  I have recently found time to paint completely outdoors (no work in the studio) and will shortly exhibit a series of these paintings. 

I have loved horses since childhood and draw inspiration from PRE Andalusian breed in particular.  I try to convey their gentleness, power and intelligence in my work.  I also sculpt horses and an example of this is on this website.  I undertake commissions of horses
Margaret Micklewright, 4 Woodfield Close, Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset, TA8 1QL:  07967 117814,
Primarily a painter, I also sculpt and work part-time as a Forest School Leader in a local school – devising, planning and delivering sessions to groups of 12 or so children aged between 4 and 10.  I also provide art workshops in a wide range of media and locations and am a member of a Community arts group.  
Born Isle of Arran, Scotland 
B.A (Hons) Fine Art, Gray’s School of Art, Aberdeen, 1984 
BTEC 3 (Advanced) Forest School Leader, Bridgwater College 2008
NVQ3 Supporting Teaching and Learning in the Classroom 2010
Student exhibitions at the Royal Scottish Academy, Edinburgh (1983) and Melbourne City Art Gallery (1981);
Exhibits in Somerset, East Anglia and Scotland including
Somerset Landscape Artists – Trowbridge Gallery, Castle Cary 
Aug 2008 and North Somerset Arts Week 2009, Built Environment
Exhibition, Bridgwater Arts Centre.  Somerset Art Weeks – 2009,2010, 2011, 2012. Sidcot Arts Centre, Open Exhibition March 2012. Solo exhibition Bay Restaurant Gallery Penzance Sept-Oct 2012.   Work sold throughout the UK, in Ireland and the US, more recently in  the Cottage Gallery, Wedmore, Sea Breeze Gallery, Burnham on Sea and  Gallery 41, Watchet. 
Community Work
Member of Highbridge and Burnham Artists, organising , fundraising, making sculpture and delivering free family workshops for the River Brue Arts Festival Aug 2008, Breeze on the Brue Festival 2009, Birds and Beasts Festival  2010 , Alice at the Apex 2011 and Denizens of the Deep 2012;  
Other Work
SPAEDA Safe Routes to School Project – Voluntary Placement Artist –  June 2008 St John’s School Highbridge;
SPAEDA ‘Go For It’ Arts Adventure After School Club, Burnham Infants School (June/July 2011);
Sedgemoor Playdays (Surestart/Sedgemoor DC) – 2010, 2011 and 2012  delivering clay workshops to around 300 children in this one day event;
Playaway Nursery – visiting artist Jan-July 2011/April-June 2012
SPAEDA – Portfolio Artist – 2008 to present.
One-day workshops for adults and demonstrations to local art groups.
Sidcot School – Community Events Tutor October 2012-present