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Breezy Pasture

by Matt Coburn

Matt is an Oxford-based artist who has been painting for about 10 years.


He regularly exhibits at Art in Woodstock. He has had exhibitions at Cornerstone, Didcot (where his visitors included Princess Anne!) and Freuds in Oxford. He also shows at art and craft fairs in Dorset, from where much of his inspiration comes.


Most of his work is colourful, but don't be suprised to see work which won't photograph, such as silver and bronze paintings, at the live shows.


He uses his own experience, photos, magazines and fantasy to capture the impact of beautiful things (including power stations). The work is mulled over in the mind, sometimes for many years, and then floods out in flowing lines, bold rhythmic shapes, and often vibrant colour.


In Matt's pictures boats can look like ice creams or christmas decorations, perspective can warp, and ideas echo around the picture; but the pictures are still simple and recognisable.


Anything handy is used to manage the pastel or paint (or leather, wood or barley!). This can include brushes, sponges, and palate knives; but mostly the palms, fingers and nails themselves. Enjoy.