The Art Circus See more on The Art Circus
horizon 7

by Pat Bellay

Started serious painting 1965-67, moved from Essex to Suffolk to join private architectural practice in Ipswich as designer, started own design practice 1976 in Ipswich, moved office to Old Town Hall, Needham Market in 1982, closed office to semi retire + work from home 2009. Started painting again in 2007 + now in 2013 am almost/am becoming a full time artist.

Primarily abtsract paintings in oil and acrylic, but also in mixed media where play/experiment with texture/paint/medium themselves together with polyfilla/glass mosaics or whatever to create works that usually start of with a basic idea/concept then the process itself can, + often does, take over to produce the end result.

60's motivation was to try + produce the effect of a coal fire where what one sees depends very much on mood/lighting time of day etc etc, + restarting in 2007 have continued on that line from where I left off in 1967. Have gone into abstract landscapes + hope to venture into more architectural derived subject matter in due course.Suffolk Open Studios, Winter Exhibition
Heritage Display Centre, Red House Yards, Thornham Magna, Suffolk, IP23 8HH
Friday 30th November to Wednesday 5th December
11am to 5pm daily
*Will have 3 paintings, together with 15 prints, in this exhibition.

Margarita Feaks Gallery
The Forum, Norwich
Friday 21st + Saturday 22nd December 2012
10am to 5pm daily
*Will have 3 paintings in this exhibition.