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by Shooqi

Shooqi Atrabi is a professional water colour artist and Graphic Designer from Nottingham in the UK. He began painting at an early age and soon become fascinated by landscapes. He worked as a full-time artist . He has exhibited in local and international exhibitions as well as organising exhibitions for artists’ groups and being active in an artists’ Syndicate.

He says that when he is painting, landscapes give him a different level of feeling. He is transported by the amazing views and colours. Around every corner there is a different story, a love story and stories told by the trees and mountains spanning generations. It is this depth of understanding of his subjects that are reflected in his paintings.

He has now established himself in the Nottingham, as a graphic designer and watercolour artist, where he has held his first solo exhibition and received stunning reviews.

His watercolours show the advanced technical skills of the artist as well as displaying light, sensitivity and harmony in construction. His style ranges from the more traditional views, such as rolling hills, mountains and trees, to cityscapes and architectural features. He is also able to undertake commissions for private work on any subject.