Ilona Szalay_part IIa


12th November – 5th December 2014

Ilona Szalay paintings will be shown in ‘It’s just a short walk to the future from here’, a group show at the Arusha Gallery in Edinburgh. Ilona’s pictures are permeated with a lonely sense of yearning and a poignant straining towards something infinite. There is an intensely visceral quality to her recent paintings, a sense of abundance and illumination. Ilona also creates video art in which she uses stop motion animation to create free-wheeling narratives of oil paint on glass. These ‘moving paintings’ exist only in recorded form as each drawing is extinguished to allow room for the next. As such the work is ephemeral and spontaneous, the images dissolving into each other and sliding across the surface of the glass. The pictures tell of metamorphosis, desire, dreams and death.

Find out more about Ilona Szalay’s work in our previous Q&A.