
Dan Attoe paints mystical and eerie fictitious landscapes, populated with tiny figures expressing distinctive character traits of the artist and how he would like to embrace the environments he creates. For this body of work, Attoe has revisited several landscapes he has previously explored, playing with different elements and discovering new possibilities for the characters in the scene.

Attoe says “These paintings are a series of landscapes that I’ve been kicking around in my head and in my drawings for a while. Some come from places that I’ve lived in and have personal relationships with, like the North Shore of Lake Superior, the rivers and waterfalls of Washington state and Idaho, and the coast of the Northwestern U.S. Others exist some place in popular culture or in some kind of collective visual vocabulary. With this body of work, I’m playing with the character of these places and trying to make images that have some kind of deeper meaning.”





‘Landscape and Water’ is on show at Peres Projects, in Berlin until April 19th, 2014