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1. Pavilion, Lucy Williams second solo show at the Timothy Taylor Gallery. Williams displayed delicate and intricate collages made,from mixed media based-reliefs of deserted mid-century Modernist architecture.

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2. John Currin’s latest show at Sadie Coles HQ, Currin displayed a new series of paintings focusing on the female nude, combining his pornographic and a classical style of painting.



3. Caretakers, Vasilis Avramidis debut UK show at Jacob’s Island, London, saw a series of oil paintings depicting overgrown mossy scenes where the landscapes and still lives merge.



4. Lure with Kate MccGwire at All Visual Arts, London. MccGwire shows sculptures made of feathers to create sensual and menacing natural forms.



5. A still from Je Baak’s work in the Korean Eye Exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. A Beautiful Hypnotic piece, especially if you like watching jelly fish and roller coasters in slow motion.